From the Principal’s Desk

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Fr. Paulachan P R


Greetings and good wishes to all the well wishers and friends of St. Anselm Pink City School. It is a matter of great joy and rejoicing to captain a team so great and to lead forward a legacy left behind by such great towering personalities like Rev. Fr. Raymond Coelho who was a legendary educationist of his time. Then we had a great human and philanthropic Rev. Fr. Edward Oliveira who was great writer and composer with great acumen of recognizing and appreciating beauty all around him. The teachers and the students loved him for his unique concept of education. We also had other brilliant captains like Rev. Fr. Paul Pulickal and Rev. Fr. Melvin Jobard who have left indelible mark of leadership and are fondly remembered for their yeomen services rendered in this school for the welfare of students and the good of the institution.

Now with Corona virus is around and the scenario has changed, the school education looks a true challenge with a unique responsibility towards the society. Caring for the safety and the good health of the students by maintaining social distance and inculcating the safety norms as a habit in the students may be the biggest challenge that the school may face in the immediate future. No more shake hands, no more games where you may bump into one another, no more sitting too close in the class, no more fighting and squeezing, it’s all going a taboo. Your body is your right and it’s exclusive. Social life is going to be different and socializing is going to be different. Everyone without exception will have to follow these norms of safety for one’s own survival.

We do not know how these are going to be executed in the real actual field. I am sure that the government will definitely issue us the guidelines and the experts will help us to formulate ways and means to handle this crucial time of change-over. I am certain that our teachers who have excelled in the past in various crisis moments will definitely be prepared and equipped to face this challenge too. Practice makes one perfect. As days pass by, we will tide over this challenge too. We have to slow down and improve our control over our own instincts. When man is pushed hard he will find ways and means to succeed, because he has only one life and it is precious for each one. For us humans, we are not alone, but our God too is travelling with us in our journey of life. His ever-pervading protection is with us. May His light lead us in this difficult time and protect us from all dangers.

I wish all Anselmites a great year ahead. Be vigilant, be safe, be healthy. It is a world of ‘the survival of the fittest’. I want and I wish that everyone of you succeed in your effort to preserve yourself, to educate yourself and to guide others to a new world of strong people. JAI HIND.